Pricing and Services
Shiloh Christian Academy offers a variety of services for the homeschooling community. The following are a list of services available.
Testing Options:
Woodcock Johnson IV: (Updated in 2014)
Shiloh Umbrella Families.....$155 for the 1st/$145 sibling discount
Non-Umbrella Families.....$165 for the 1st/$155 sibling discount
Test of Cognitive Abilities:(Assesses a student’s visual & auditory processing skills, working memory and reasoning skills. It is an optional test that is only done periodically to gain insight into their learning styles)
Shiloh Umbrella Families....$175 (administered individually, not with siblings)
Non-Umbrella Families.....$185
The Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement is an approved standardized test in Colorado. It is required for students to be tested in grades; 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th. Please see Testing Flyer for more details.
Curriculum Consultation:……………………$75 per hour
Shiloh offers this service to families following the Woodcock Johnson test. After review of the test scores; curriculum guidance, suggestions and ideas are given to help in areas of weakness.
Umbrella Coverage/Independent School:……$95 per family/yr.
Shiloh is a qualified umbrella school which provides protection and accountability for homeschoolers. All required paperwork must be completed to qualify. Please see Umbrella School attachment for more information.
Filing Fees:.............$25 for a family per year
Shiloh is able to hold test scores for the above fee for NON-umbrella school families. This is a service offered to homeschoolers who file a letter of intent with their county but do not want them to hold and use their scores.
Supplemental Support Program:…………Annual Tuition Rate... Contact us for current prices
The Core Support Plan offers a 2 day a week program. It partners with parents to teach the subjects of Bible, Science, History and Writing for 4th-8th graders.